Gala Schniga® SchniCo(S) – Royal Gala
Dark red Gala. Flat colored with no noticeable stripe. In very warm climates this mutant also comes to color
Breed Description
Origin: mutant of Gala Schniga® Schnitzer(S), Italy
Developer: Schniga GmbH
License: /
Color: a dark red over almost the entire fruit, color comes later when the fruit is almost ripe.
Coloring: 80% to 100% colored.
Size: 65/80 mm
Flesh: light yellow and crispy
Storage: Store well in normal refrigeration until December. In CA until April.
Aroma: Predominantly sweet, no pronounced aroma.
Acidity: little acidity, very soft and sweet taste.
Texture: juicy and crispy
Flowering: Mid-season, little susceptible to night frost.
Picking time: three weeks before Golden.
Hardness: 8 to 10 kg/cm²
Pollinators: Golden, Granny Smith, Idared, Rubinstep,...
Tree type: Head growth with flat branch insertion.
Growth rate: medium
Production: Very productive, early and good yield. Thinning is necessary.
Susceptible to fruit tree canker.
Brustem industrial park
3800 Sint-Truiden